Work Environment
Work Environment

a Safe Work
a Safe Work
Yellow Card Training
- Scissor Lift Training
- Scissor Lift Licence
- Boom Lift Training
Tele Handler Gold Card
- Telehandler Ticket
- Telehandler Training
Verification of Competency (VOC)
Access Training Solutions complete VOC training onsite or at a premises for all Elevating Work Platforms.
- Sydney ACT NSW
- Melbourne VIC
- Brisbane Gold Coast QLD

Why do I need a Yellow Card to operate an elevating work platform?

The Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (formerly Occupational Health and Safety Act) aims to protect the health, safety and welfare of people at work.
The Act applies to Persons Conducting a Business or Undertaking (“PCBU”).
A PCBU has the primary duty of care to ensure the health and safety of workers while they are at work with the business or undertaking. A PCBU is also responsible for ensuring work carried out does not carry risk to the health and safety of others.
This means the PCBU must:
- Provide and maintain a safe work environment
- Provide and maintain safe plant and structures
- Provide and maintain safe systems of work
- Ensure the safe use, handling and storage plan, structures and substances
- Provide adequate facilities (and ensure access is maintained)
- Provide instruction, training, information and supervision
- Monitor the health of workers and conditions at the workplace

The “Yellow Card” provides proof the employee has been trained in the safe use of the type of EWP operated. This training meets and exceeds Unit of Competence R11HAN301D Operate Elevating Work Platforms.
maintain a safE work environment
What our clients say...
To Dave and Team, Thank you!!!
We have developed a great partnership with yourself and staff at Access Training Solutions, training offered, professionalism and attention to detail is second to none even when short notice is given.
Great job every time is an understatement
Michael Moon
Dave Pickard from Access Training Solutions came and trained yellow cards for my team.
Dave is a very good and very knowledgeable, friendly trainer. He made the training very easy to understand.